It goes a bit like this

20 January 2006

It's my birthday, and I'll cry if I want to

Today is my birthday, I find it hard to believe I'm as old as I am. It's stupid to worry about the passing of time, of course I know that, but I do anyway. Achievements left unachieved, accomplishments unaccomplished, you get the picture. There's a marked improvement in one area of this uncharmed life though - I was offered a proper permanent job yesterday, and they've offered me two grand more than I was expecting! I've accepted of course. It's to be seen whether the role will exercise my brain, but really, I'm more excited about having a steady income for the first time in about 3 years!

So why the tears? Well, I may have only myself to blame, being the foolhardy optimist I sometimes am when it comes to 'romance'. I say 'romance' because I have the uncanny ability to mistake physical intimacy for something more meaningful, even when there's been a tacit agreement that we're both in it for the sex. A second encounter with my New Year's Day date yesterday didn't result in the object of my desire falling for my feminine charms and wiles, even though he enjoyed himself (and so did I). I tried to be as candid as possible with him afterwards, and despite myself agreed it would be better not to see him again very soon as, perversely, I feel too much for him, and I know, yes KNOW, he can't reciprocate. Something about chemistry? But what-ho, British stiff upper lip and all that, I let him kiss me goodbye and got off the train. Later this morning, on my way to work on the Central Line, I got very wistful indeed, and started reflecting on my loneliness ("why doesn't he want me?!"), and let more than a couple of tears roll down my made-up face. Don't worry, I have very resilient mascara. By the time the train rolled into Bank Station I had regained my composure and was the paragon of office girl that I usually am in the morning, maybe.

I will try not to get sad again today. Flip's sake, it's my birthday after all and the sun's shining and crazy things are happening, like a whale being spotted in The Thames by the Houses of Parliament (,,1691203,00.html).

11 January 2006

Have I fupped things up?

I've sorted out what I am - I'm a 'quiddler'. If you're not sure what that is, have a look at the grandiloquent dictionary (link somewhere to your right). Though I'm not doing much talking at the moment (it's pin drop city where I'm stationed at the moment) and I don't know a soul here. Actually, that's slightly mendacious of me; the girl I 'shadowed' (sounds more interesting than it in fact is) a few weeks ago is a mere 3 metres away, but she didn't seem to remember me when she glanced in my direction. It hasn't fazed me one bit though.

Now, back to the matter in hand. This year looks like it could be better than the previous one, at least in terms of work. Urgh, I know, it'd be much better if my quest for the money tree hadn't been so mired in practicalities (like, you know, you actually need FUNDS for travelling to far flung places where rare botanical specimens are found). Since the return to the office after the 'break' I have had 5 interview (2 of which have been second interviews). All the positions are administrative and characteristically the type of thing that would probably have me kicking vagrants into paths of multiwheeled vehicles on my way home after about 3 months. But this is the new, practical and fiscally compromised me, and I have to get myself into a viable money situation quickly. And 'floating' as I'm doing at some investment bank in Canary Wharf at the moment is not helping in that respect AT ALL. Yeah, so I went for this second interview on Monday, and an hour later they offered me the job (through a recruitment agent, naturally). I demurred on giving them my final answer as I had to see if I would be getting called in again for the job I really want (out of the three PA type things). So lots of toing and froing by telephone between different recruitment agents was done on Monday evening, but I still couldn't get the others to see me until this Friday. Can you imagine, after almost 18 months of looking for permanent work, I actually turned the first offer down? Granted, it was a 6-month contract so it wasn't ideal, but it would have been PROPER money! I'm just hoping that I did the right thing in holding out for this other job. Oh, and the job I haven't mentioned so far was an internal one at the bank I'm working in at the moment, and after seeing the guy for a second time I found out he hadn't chosen me - phew.

The golden bus is a special Routemaster (taken on the last day that the dear old Routemasters ever ran the 159 route - 9 Dec 2005), liveried like that to mark the Golden Jubilee of HM the Queen (gawd bless 'er). But perhaps I will be riding on my own 'golden bus' this Friday 13... No, I KNOW that's a crap analogy. I will be travelling home or to the pub on a regular, boxy, modern bus (probably the 45) after not being to ascertain whether or not I've got the job.

Blimes, sorry to have been so boring and rambly. I must try harder.

06 January 2006

A confession...

I watched some of Celebrity Big Brother last night, but it was an accident, really, it was! I was with E, and I'd mentioned there was a Ricky Gervais special (he went over the pond to interview Larry David), so we flicked over just in time to see George Galloway (is this the way forward for marginalised Members of Parliament?!) entering the Celebrity BB house. I was astounded and immediately texted J, who once upon a time had been his Parliamentary Aide (in the days before 'Gorgeous George' was booted out of the Labour Party). So there he is now, trying to ascertain which of the numbskulls he's sharing a house with even know who he is. I sneaked a look at the website today (I already feel bad about it), and tried to see who the other housemates were. Amongst them is a true 'nobody', a 'Chantelle' from Essex who has been given the task of convincing her fellow housemates of her 'celebrity' status as member of 'Kandy Floss'. You know them, the made-up band with that never-before-heard hit 'I Want It Right Now'. And this pic shows that she's a 'wind-up' celebrity in more ways than one.

05 January 2006

Happyish New Year

Well, I've done it just before Epiphany, so the 12 days of Christmas aren't even officially over yet, which all means that it may already be the 5th January, but I can still wish all (any?) of my reader(s) a New Year that's better than 2005. That's a good sentiment, isn't it? After all, the more, erm, pragmatic amongst us may think it rather foolhardy to wish for pure happiness (if such a thing really exists), but the hope for improvement is not beyond even the most cynical, surely.

It won't wash though, will it? The forced look for a silver lining thing I mean. My 2006 has started with a step deeper into the pit of self-loathing and doubt. It was foolish, perhaps, to agree to play fiddler (or spare wheel, or gooseberry) to two coupled-up friends. That's unfair actually, because S&D are about the most 'separated' couple I know, and I get on very well (though differently) with each. E&G, on the other hand? Well, E's my best friend, if stating that in my early 30s doesn't mark me as immature. G is her new, older, more experienced 'partner' (at 44, can I really call him her boyfriend?) who really doesn't seem to have very much to say for himself. Oh, yes, he's 'well-intentioned', a 'good man', but, well, E has so much vigour about her I can see that he would be dazzled. Who am I to pass judgement? Actually, I'm not passing judgement, it's just my opinion I'm expressing. After all, my track record these past few years would tell you that my skills in the 'loving' arena are definitely waning.

Aaah, sweet digression... Nestled as I was between S&D and E&G, I worked my way diligently through 7 delicious courses. Oh, please note that 3 of the courses were actually what are known as 'bonnes bouches' - a light little something to appetise or cleanse the palette. Not everyone could finish their oysters (½ a dozen each) so I had two extra. Not everyone could finish their poached pears with dark chocolate sauce either, so I had extra sauce. Not everyone even knew what quince jelly was, or liked Rocquefort, so I had extra of that, too. Whenever else do I get to indulge in 'haute cuisine' though, eh? The service at this place (Upstairs, Acre Lane) was something else. We sat down at 20h45, and didn't leave until twenty to midnight. Given that we had planned to go into Soho for the bells (remember, it was New Year's Eve) we were all a little put out. It's not even as if the restaurateur had made us feel particularly special by spending time to talk to us (we were his only guests by 11). Still, not wanting to complain (British reserve and all that) I just quipped, "It's so authentic, really like being in France, right down to the service!" when the waiter brought us our bill and asked if everything had been okay. Oh, how we almost laughed!

Waddling back to the house, for that was where it was decided we would see the New Year in, I was dismayed to hear G complain about the restaurant, and not for anything like slow service or too-rich sauces, but the company! Had the banter around the table offended his Sussex sensibilities? I think not. Indeed, he elaborated, "Ah mean, it's the sor' a plice you'd wanna go wiv a couple more couples [yes, he said that] and 'ave loads a wine [bear in mind this is a fine French restaurant whose bottles range from £18 - £???] so it don't ma''er 'aa long they tike wiv the food." I turned around (I mean, I really did turn around as I was walking in front of E&D) and curtly replied, "well, I have no complaints about the company at all!" E sprang to his defence, but I changed the subject.

As I'm so good at sweeping things under the carpet (not literally, I use a vacuum cleaner in reality) I soon chirped up and got hold of the glasses and champagne. While Andrew Marr in a kilt in Edinburgh and Natasha can-she-really-be-the-same-age-as-me? Kaplinsky at Somerset House, and that lady from the races at the London Eye talked us through the fireworks (they're big, loud, bright and seem to go on forever!) we all politely wished eachother all the best. My words were actually: "May your New Years be full of love and laughter!" Reaction: Awkward laughter and 'likewise, I'm sure', I think I heard!

Two hours later I made my way to a party down the road from me. The place was 'jumpin' and full of friendly twenty-somethings. And 2 hours after that one of said youngsters walked me home, all above board, perhaps. When I awoke on New Year's Day I decided to invite a long-distance admirer to London - why keep it to just the telephone? Really, it was an assignation, but one that I had hoped would be more than a one night (and morning) wonder. As the years progress I still have the capacity to be so let down, so I have now resolved to give all 'cyber-dating' a wide berth. A-ha, dear reader(s), I hadn't even mentioned that aspect had I? And now it's over! I'm just gonna keep on unlovin' in the free real world, or something.